Repiping our house @ Puchong

10 Years in Our Home: A Story of Love, Growth, and a Leaky PVC Pipe

Ten years ago, we moved into this house with excitement and dreams for the future. Over the years, this place has witnessed countless family dinners, laughter-filled gatherings, and quiet moments of reflection. Every corner of our home holds memories—from the first day we unpacked boxes to the nights spent under a blanket of stars in the backyard.

1. Cost RM2,000

We did re-pipng for two rooms, average to RM1,000 each room

However, as time passes, even the strongest homes face wear and tear. Recently, we encountered one of those unexpected homeowner challenges: a leaking PVC pipe. It began with a small drip, barely noticeable at first. Then, it turned into a steady stream, demanding immediate attention. Our once-hidden water system beneath the walls betrayed us, and we had no choice but to “re-pipe” the water system, now visibly running along the walls.

At first, we were frustrated. Wall-mounted pipes weren’t in the original design, and seeing them felt like a blemish on the home we’ve nurtured. But as we adjusted, we realized this was just another chapter in our house’s evolving story. Those pipes are now a reminder of resilience, a testament to how we’ve adapted over the years.

Replacing the water system was a learning curve, but it also brought us closer. From deciding on the new pipe routes to painting over the patches, it became a family project—proof that every home, like every family, is a work in progress.

Looking at our walls today, we no longer see inconvenience. We see a home that has aged with us, bearing its imperfections proudly, just like us. Here’s to many more years under this roof—leaky pipes and all!

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