Scuba diving at Pulau Weh @ Indonesia

We went to a scuba diving trip this year at Pulau Weh. Refer here for our itinerary from Puchong, KL to Pulau Weh Mr Bean Resort

1. Check out Dive

Getting ready for first dive

We had an hour nap before check out dive at 330pm the same day we arrived. Check out dive already plenty things to see.

2. Dive Master

We have 2 local dive master looking out 7 of us.

Recommended instagram @muliadyadiee He didn’t only bring us to see stuff underwater, he be our tour guide on the island too. He takes his daily drip at Nasaka Coffee

scuba diving pulau weh

3. Strong current

Some fishes like to hang around at strong current place. Strong currents are typically well-oxygenated, which is crucial for fish with high metabolic rates. Fast-moving water facilitates gas exchange, ensuring an ample supply of oxygen.

Big schools of jackfish are often sighted at Pulau Weh.

4. Macro Photography

Scuba diving at Pulau Weh

Photo credit instagram @bhchew12

5. Gunung Api

Dive site name

Rubiah sea garden
Arus balee
Batee tokong

Hari ke dua
Selakoe cave
West selakoe
Rubiah Jetty

Hari ke tiga
Selakoe dirt
Selakoe dirt

The final day we went to the onsen dive site.

6. Dive computer

Dive computer is required as the average dive depth is 25m. At least that’s where the DM led us.

7. Night dive

Worth it. Once we descend there’s 3 lion fish swimming casually around us. There were not too much sea urchin down there.

Scuba diving at Pulau Weh we were not able to buy any alcoholic drinks on the island or anywhere near Aceh province. So we brought our own. We later learn that we can purchase at RM300 for 24 cans. If we had knew, we wont bring as much bottle of whiskey.

8. Water Temperature

Warm. Recording at average 29 deg celsius.

Author: DonaLiew

long adventure pulau weh

Looking like a Super Saiyan

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