Ruka Appointment PPUM for iPhone user

No their apps doesn’t work.

1. Safari (Desktop Website)

Register on Safari instead, don’t bother with the app, it’s not functioning.
I went to PPUM physically and the officer told me that the app is updating (forever), but their safari desktop version works.
If you are using an iPhone and it is stuck after the “fill in information” page, press aA and Request Desktop Website
2. Date is not immediate

I got my appointment 3 days later, but that was sheer luck. It’s possible to get an appointment date that is 2-3 months from the current date.
I once had an hair fall problem and went for RUKA, by the time my appointment date approach, the few 50cents bald area grew back to 5mm already.
3. Don’t go without an appointment
They will show you a cold face thrust you the WeHealth flyer, which is totally dysfunctional if you are an iPhone user like me.
RUKA Appointment iPhone