Piano for Adult Beginner in Malaysia
Choosing a piano for adult beginner in Malaysia.
As a piano teacher, its a very commonly asked question.
“Which piano should I get?”
Here is the answer I have for you, especially if you are an adult piano learner.

1. Malaysia
I’m not going to recommend any brand that is uncommon in Malaysia.
They are easily available at all music instrument stores.
You can easily re-sell them at Carousell, because it’s renowned units.
2. Below RM2,500.00
If you have the budget, go for upright acoustic
1/2 Yamaha & Kawai
Accoustic piano (upright) usually starts at RM12,000, refurbished unit around RM9,000.00
As at January 2022.
Try to get a renowned brand such as Kawai, Yamaha, K.Kawai. Good brands are meant to stay in their original condition, higher resell value, or maybe they are manufactured to survive the high humidity in Malaysia. While the bad ones can go bad if it’s left idle for a few years. I’ve seen weird brands in my student’s house, 9 out of 10 are in bizarre condition, tuning and repairing does not help much.
2/2 German brand, Schonbrunn
The three units I’m going to recommend next are below RM2,500.00
Or Schonbrunn 9 foot grand is available here in Puchong.
3. Getting a digital piano
This article is for those who are
- totally clueless to piano
- fear of giving up halfway
- having constrained budget
- lives in apartment and have limited space
Other reasons:
- easy to move around
- easy to sell off
- cheaper than upright accoustic
- you can practice at night
- Changing key and pitch
We understand that adult has a filled up schedule. That’s why the option to practice at night is so important.
Changing key and pitch is another fun way to learn piano. It makes the learning hours less dull and not as rigid.
4. Yamaha, Korg and Roland
1/3 Yamaha P-45

Price for value.
A tone deaf person knows what Yamaha is selling, in Malaysia.
When we first think of owning a piano, we think of Yamaha. These purple logo stores are in all big local malls. It’s a solid Proton Wira. Everyone has it. It sticks with you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.
Their manual is 50 pages in length, tiny words. Meanwhile the next brand I’m going to introduce, their manual has only 2 pages. A minimalist brand.
2/3 Korg B2

Korg has bigger amp speaker. It sounds nicer compared to the other two. It sounded more “crystal” to me, makes me fall in love at first sight.
Available in Snow White colour option. The beauty pageant that you knew who’d get the crown.
It’s perfect.
Until I notice it has no function at all. You can’t record and convey the data to your computer.
It does what a piano does. It sounds really good.
3/3 Roland FP-10

The touch and feeling of Roland piano is the closest to an acoustic piano compared to the previous two. If I have the budget, I would go for this one. Back then, this unit is the most expensive among three models.
5. What about those below RM1,000?
The most important criteria is that the piano sounds good and feel good to you, because that’s the number one reason you are able to sit and practice for 30 minutes each day.
Light-weighted keys
- light-weighted keys are not ideal for beginner training
Weighted keys
- if it doesn’t sound and feel good, it couldn’t attract you to stay and practice. And it’s the most important thing that you practice as a beginner.
- no demand in 2nd hand market
- the quality may deteriorate as it ages
- we’ve came across unknown brand, if you leave the piano unoccupied for a while, the condition deteriorates, whereas the good brand tends to stay at their original condition.
- difficult to find parts replacement
6. Free gifts
Bring your mom and fight for free delivery service.
The bench, piano stand, pedal (choose the solid pedal), earphones, piano cover.
However, we should not take things that we don’t need and let it end up as garbage.
7. The difference between kids and adult student
Learning a new instrument requires great discipline.
You’ll have to listen to your own out of tune music for 1000 times before it gets smooth.
Children does the same thing, but they are less self-conscious and much more forgiven on making mistakes. Children also have parents with cane in their hand, reminding them to practice regularly.
Adults busy themselves with endless dinner dates, Netflix, scrolling phone, demanding jobs and house chores…
I cannot deny that adult is much more prone to give up in this journey.
That is why I recommend digital piano to adult, upright for children.