Lessons from Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov.
1. She maintains her independence
2. She doesn’t pursue him
3. She’s mysterious
You can be living separately and be totally readable, or you can be right in
the next room and be very mysterious.
For example, Jenny lives with her boyfriend. She was complaining to
him that she feels ignored when he watches TV on the couch. Then she did
the opposite. She went into the bedroom and started reading a good book.
After the third night, he turned the TV off early and climbed into bed,
hoping to cuddle. She didn’t immediately put the book down. Predictably,
he started poking her, playfully hitting her, and acting like a little kid just to
get attention from her.
4. She leaves him wanting
5. She doesn’t let him see her “sweat”
She keeps communication from getting messy and avoid communicating when upset.
6. She remains in control of her time
7. She maintains a sense of humour
8. She places a high value on herself
9. She’s passionate about something other than him
10. She treats her body like a fine tuned machine
I’ve also found a good review from Youtube by Shallon Lester.
Lessons from Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov.